Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Check this out about energy production in California


You must have a look at these guys they are making some interesting and important roads in wind energy...they are creating energy from the wind and connecting it to your home, fantastic...http://www.helixwind.com/en/whyHelixWorks.php

and this space age thing really has caught my attention, it is a solar and wind machine that looks like a satellite.

I am investigating the innovation experiences going on right now in the wake of our polluting problem in the ocean of Japan and the bombing of the oil rich Libya ....can you see the need now for natural solutions to the crisis of oil depletion?  We will be how much better off getting away from fossil fuels and dangerous methods of energy production?  So I say lets all start looking together....Teach the students of tomorrow now

Get yourself involved and send me anything you think needs to be brought to the forefront.

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